My Ko-Fi Page
This will get you to my page on Ko-Fi. Ko-Fi is an online platform that serves as a donation pool for content creators, such as artists.
Business Facebook Page
My Etsy Shop
Where I sell prints and reproductions of my work.
This link will get you to my page on Deviantart. Deviantart is a website for artists and art enthusiasts of all sorts to share their artwork.This is where I first started sharing my artwork online. (Ever since 2014!) I am still active on this site. This is where you can see some of my student work as well as art I made outside of school.
My Tumblr Page
I have repurposed this blog from where I documented my school work to where I share photos of my current projects, both works in progress and finished. I also reblog interesting posts or videos I find online.
Laura Mongiovi
This will get you to my former professor's website. She makes drawings and fiber art. She also shares some of her students' work.